Source code for voeparse.voevent

"""Routines for handling etrees representing VOEvent packets."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
import lxml
from lxml import objectify, etree
from collections import Iterable
import types

import voeparse.definitions

voevent_v2_0_schema = etree.XMLSchema(

[docs]def Voevent(stream, stream_id, role): """Create a new VOEvent element tree, with specified IVORN and role. Args: stream (string): used to construct the IVORN like so:: ivorn = 'ivo://' + stream + '#' + stream_id (N.B. ``stream_id`` is converted to string if required.) So, e.g. we might set:: stream='' stream_id=77 stream_id (string): See above. role (string): role as defined in VOEvent spec. (See also :py:class:`.definitions.roles`) Returns: Root-node of the VOEvent, as represented by an lxml.objectify element tree ('etree'). See also """ parser = objectify.makeparser(remove_blank_text=True) v = objectify.fromstring(voeparse.definitions.v2_0_skeleton_str, parser=parser) _remove_root_tag_prefix(v) if not isinstance(stream_id, basestring): stream_id = repr(stream_id) v.attrib['ivorn'] = ''.join(('ivo://', stream, '#', stream_id)) v.attrib['role'] = role # Presumably we'll always want the following children: #(NB, valid to then leave them empty) etree.SubElement(v, 'Who') etree.SubElement(v, 'What') etree.SubElement(v, 'WhereWhen') v.Who.Description = ('VOEvent created with voevent-parse: ' + '') return v
[docs]def loads(s): """Load VOEvent from string. This parses a VOEvent XML packet string, taking care of some subtleties. Currently pretty basic, but we can imagine using this function to homogenise or at least identify different VOEvent versions, etc. Args: s (string): String containing raw XML. Returns: Root-node of the :class:`Voevent` etree. """ # .. note:: # # The namespace is removed from the root element tag to make # objectify access work as expected, # (see :py:func:`._remove_root_tag_prefix`) # so we must re-insert it when we want to conform to schema. v = objectify.fromstring(s) _remove_root_tag_prefix(v) return v
[docs]def load(file): """Load VOEvent from file object. See also: :py:func:`.loads` Args: file (file): An open file object Returns: Root-node of the :class:`Voevent` etree. """ s = return loads(s)
[docs]def dumps(voevent, pretty_print=False, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8'): """Converts voevent to string. .. note:: Default encoding is UTF-8, in line with VOE2.0 schema. Declaring the encoding can cause diffs with the original loaded VOEvent, but I think it's probably the right thing to do (and lxml doesn't really give you a choice anyway). Args: voevent (:class:`Voevent`): Root node of the VOevent etree. pretty_print (bool): indent the output for improved human-legibility when possible. See also: xml_declaration (bool): Prepends a doctype tag to the string output, i.e. something like ``<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>`` Returns: String containing raw XML representation of VOEvent. """ _return_to_standard_xml(voevent) s = etree.tostring(voevent, pretty_print=pretty_print, xml_declaration=xml_declaration, encoding=encoding) _remove_root_tag_prefix(voevent) return s
[docs]def dump(voevent, file, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True): """Writes the voevent to the file object. e.g.:: with open('/tmp/myvoevent.xml','w') as f: voeparse.dump(v, f) Args: voevent(:class:`Voevent`): Root node of the VOevent etree. file (file): An open file object for writing. pretty_print pretty_print(bool): See :func:`dumps` xml_declaration(bool): See :func:`dumps` """ file.write(dumps(voevent, pretty_print, xml_declaration))
[docs]def valid_as_v2_0(voevent): """Tests if a voevent conforms to the schema. Args: voevent(:class:`Voevent`): Root node of a VOEvent etree. Returns: Bool (VOEvent is valid?) """ _return_to_standard_xml(voevent) valid_bool = voevent_v2_0_schema.validate(voevent) _remove_root_tag_prefix(voevent) return valid_bool
[docs]def assert_valid_as_v2_0(voevent): """ Raises :py:obj:`lxml.etree.DocumentInvalid` if voevent is invalid. Especially useful for debugging, since the stack trace contains a reason for the invalidation. Args: voevent(:class:`Voevent`): Root node of a VOEvent etree. Returns: None. NB raises :py:obj:`lxml.etree.DocumentInvalid` if VOEvent does not conform to schema. """ _return_to_standard_xml(voevent) voevent_v2_0_schema.assertValid(voevent) _remove_root_tag_prefix(voevent)
[docs]def set_who(voevent, date=None, author_ivorn=None): """Sets the minimal 'Who' attributes: date of authoring, AuthorIVORN. Args: voevent(:class:`Voevent`): Root node of a VOEvent etree. date(datetime.datetime): Date of authoring. NB Microseconds are ignored, as per the VOEvent spec. author_ivorn(string): Short author identifier, e.g. ````. Note that the prefix ``ivo://`` will be prepended internally. """ if author_ivorn is not None: voevent.Who.AuthorIVORN = ''.join(('ivo://', author_ivorn)) if date is not None: voevent.Who.Date = date.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
[docs]def set_author(voevent, title=None, shortName=None, logoURL=None, contactName=None, contactEmail=None, contactPhone=None, contributor=None): """For setting fields in the detailed author description. This can optionally be neglected if a well defined AuthorIVORN is supplied. .. note:: Unusually for this library, the args here use CamelCase naming convention, since there's a direct mapping to the ``Author.*`` attributes to which they will be assigned. Args: voevent(:class:`Voevent`): Root node of a VOEvent etree. The rest of the arguments are strings corresponding to child elements. """ # We inspect all local variables except the voevent packet, # Cycling through and assigning them on the Who.Author element. AuthChildren = locals() AuthChildren.pop('voevent') if not voevent.xpath('Who/Author'): etree.SubElement(voevent.Who, 'Author') for k, v in AuthChildren.iteritems(): if v is not None: voevent.Who.Author[k] = v
[docs]def set_where_when(voevent, coords, obs_time, observatory_location): """Add details of an observation to the WhereWhen section. Args: voevent(:class:`Voevent`): Root node of a VOEvent etree. coords(:class:`.Position2D`): Sky co-ordinates of event. obs_time(datetime.datetime): Nominal DateTime of the observation. observatory_location(string): Telescope locale, e.g. 'La Palma'. May be a generic location as listed under :class:`voeparse.definitions.observatory_location`. """ # .. todo:: Implement TimeError using datetime.timedelta obs_data = etree.SubElement(voevent.WhereWhen, 'ObsDataLocation') etree.SubElement(obs_data, 'ObservatoryLocation', id=observatory_location) ol = etree.SubElement(obs_data, 'ObservationLocation') etree.SubElement(ol, 'AstroCoordSystem', id=coords.system) ac = etree.SubElement(ol, 'AstroCoords', coord_system_id=coords.system) time = etree.SubElement(ac, 'Time', unit='s') instant = etree.SubElement(time, 'TimeInstant') instant.ISOTime = obs_time.isoformat() # iso_time = etree.SubElement(instant, 'ISOTime') = obs_time.isoformat() pos2d = etree.SubElement(ac, 'Position2D', unit=coords.units) pos2d.Name1 = 'RA' pos2d.Name2 = 'Dec' pos2d_val = etree.SubElement(pos2d, 'Value2') pos2d_val.C1 = coords.ra pos2d_val.C2 = coords.dec pos2d.Error2Radius = coords.err
[docs]def add_how(voevent, descriptions=None, references=None): """Add descriptions or references to the How section. Args: voevent(:class:`Voevent`): Root node of a VOEvent etree. descriptions(string): Description string, or list of description strings. references(:py:class:`voeparse.misc.Reference`): A reference element (or list thereof). """ if not voevent.xpath('How'): etree.SubElement(voevent, 'How') if descriptions is not None: for desc in _listify(descriptions): # d = etree.SubElement(voevent.How, 'Description') #voevent.How.Description[voevent.How.index(d)] = desc ##Simpler: etree.SubElement(voevent.How, 'Description') voevent.How.Description[-1] = desc if references is not None: voevent.How.extend(_listify(references))
[docs]def add_why(voevent, importance=None, expires=None, inferences=None): """Add Inferences, or set importance / expires attributes of the Why section. .. note:: ``importance`` / ``expires`` are 'Why' attributes, therefore setting them will overwrite previous values. ``inferences``, on the other hand, are appended to the list. Args: voevent(:class:`Voevent`): Root node of a VOEvent etree. importance(float): Value from 0.0 to 1.0 expires(datetime.datetime): Expiration date given inferred reason (See voevent spec). inferences(:class:`voeparse.misc.Inference`): Inference or list of inferences, denoting probable identifications or associations, etc. """ if not voevent.xpath('Why'): etree.SubElement(voevent, 'Why') if importance is not None: voevent.Why.attrib['importance'] = str(importance) if expires is not None: voevent.Why.attrib['expires'] = expires.replace( microsecond=0).isoformat() if inferences is not None: voevent.Why.extend(_listify(inferences))
[docs]def add_citations(voevent, citations): """Add citations to other voevents. The schema mandates that the 'Citations' section must either be entirely absent, or non-empty - hence we require this wrapper function for its creation prior to listing the first citation. Args: voevent(:class:`Voevent`): Root node of a VOEvent etree. citation(:class:`voeparse.misc.Citation`): Citation or list of citations. """ if not voevent.xpath('Citations'): etree.SubElement(voevent, 'Citations') voevent.Citations.extend(_listify(citations)) # ################################################### # And finally, lots of utility functions...
def _remove_root_tag_prefix(v): """ Removes 'voe' namespace prefix from root tag. When we load in a VOEvent, the root element has a tag prefixed by the VOE namespace, e.g. {}VOEvent Because objectify expects child elements to have the same namespace as their parent, this breaks the python-attribute style access mechanism. We can get around it without altering root, via e.g who = v['{}Who'] Alternatively, we can temporarily ditch the namespace altogether. This makes access to elements easier, but requires care to reinsert the namespace upon output. I've gone for the latter option. """ if v.prefix: # Create subelement without a prefix via etree.SubElement etree.SubElement(v, 'original_prefix') # Now carefully access said named subelement (without prefix cascade) # and alter the first value in the list of children with this name... # LXML syntax is a minefield! v['{}original_prefix'][0] = v.prefix v.tag = v.tag.replace(''.join(('{', v.nsmap[v.prefix], '}')), '') # Now v.tag = '{}VOEvent', v.prefix = None return def _reinsert_root_tag_prefix(v): """ Returns namespace prefix to root tag, if it had one. """ if hasattr(v, 'original_prefix'): original_prefix = v.original_prefix del v.original_prefix v.tag = ''.join(('{', v.nsmap[original_prefix], '}VOEvent')) return def _return_to_standard_xml(v): #Remove lxml.objectify DataType namespace prefixes: objectify.deannotate(v) #Put the default namespace back: _reinsert_root_tag_prefix(v) etree.cleanup_namespaces(v) #Define this for convenience in add_how: def _listify(x): """Ensure x is iterable; if not then enclose it in a list and return it.""" if isinstance(x, types.StringTypes): return [x] elif isinstance(x, Iterable): return x else: return [x]